Giovanni Di Gennaro, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor (RTD-A), Università degli Studi della Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli" ‑ Italy
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+39-081-5010372 +39-081-5037042
Giovanni Di Gennaro received his Laurea (MS) in Ingegneria Informatica summa cum laude from Università degli Studi della Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli", Italy, in July 2017. Over the years he has worked as a freelancer for various IT companies and has taught programming languages and IT elements both in private and funded (by European funds) courses. From 2016 to 2020 he also received various scholarships funded by the CNIT (Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le Telecomunicazioni). In January 2021 he received his Ph.D. in Ingegneria Industriale e dell'Informazione and became a post-doctoral fellow with Università degli Studi della Campania, where starting from January 2022 he became a untenured assistant professor (RTD-A). His research interests are in the area of machine learning, with particular reference to Artificial Neural Networks and Reinforcement Learning.
F.A.N. Palmieri, K.R. Pattipati, G. Fioretti, F. Verolla, G. Di Gennaro and A. Buonanno, "Probability Propagation for Path Planning on Semantic Maps and Partially Unknown Environment," submitted to journal....
G. Interdonato, F. Di Murro, C. D’Andrea, G. Di Gennaro, S. Buzzi, "Approaching Massive MIMO Performance with Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces: We Do Not Need Many Antennas", IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2024
G. Di Gennaro, A. Buonanno, G. Romano, S. Buzzi and F.A.N. Palmieri, "Decentralized Grant-Free mMTC Traffic Multiplexing with eMBB Data through Deep Reinforcement Learning", IEEE Transactions on Machine Learning in Communications and Networking, vol. 2, pp.1440-1455, 2024
G. Di Gennaro, A. Buonanno, G. Romano, S. Buzzi and F.A.N. Palmieri, "A Deep Learning Approach for User-Centric Clustering in Cell-Free Massive MIMO Systems", in Proc.25th IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC), Lucca, Sept. 2024
G. Di Gennaro, C. Greco, A. Buonanno, M. Cuciniello, T. Amorese, M.S. Ler, G. Cordasco, F.A.N. Palmieri and A. Esposito, "HUM-CARD: A human crowded annotated real dataset", Information Systems, Elsevier, vol. 124, pp.1-12, 2024
M. Di Giovanni, F. A. N. Palmieri, G. Di Gennaro, A. Buonanno, F. Ambrosino, M. Pugliese, G. La Verde and C. Sabbarese, "LSTM-Based Models for Radon Forecast", in Proc. Italian Workshop on Neural Networks (WIRN), Vietri sul Mare (SA), June 2024
A. Vallefuoco, G. di Lorenzo, M. Di Giovanni, G. Di Gennaro, A. Buonanno, and F.A.N. Palmieri, "LSTM-Based Road Traffic Prediction Model for Telecommunications Network Planning", in Proc. Italian Workshop on Neural Networks (WIRN), Vietri sul Mare (SA), June 2024
A. Buonanno, G. Di Gennaro, A. Ospedale, and F.A.N. Palmieri, "Gated Graph Neural Networks for Classification Task", in Proc. Italian Workshop on Neural Networks (WIRN), Vietri sul Mare (SA), June 2023
G. Di Gennaro, A. Buonanno, A. Nogarotto, and F.A.N. Palmieri, "Navigation in Unknown Environment using Soft Actor-Critic", in Proc. Italian Workshop on Neural Networks (WIRN), Vietri sul Mare (SA), June 2023
A. Buonanno, G. Di Gennaro, G. Graditi, A. Nogarotto, F. A. N. Palmieri and M. Valenti, "Fusion of energy sensors with missing values", Applied Intelligence, vol.53, n.20, pp.23613–23627, 2023
F. A. N. Palmieri, K. R. Pattipati, G. Di Gennaro, A. Buonanno and C. Fedele, "Belief Propagation of Pareto Front in Multi-Objective MDP Graphs", in Proc. IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP), Rome, Sept. 2023
G. Di Gennaro, A. Buonanno, F. A. N. Palmieri, K. R. Pattipati, and M. Merola, "Path Planning of Multiple Agents Through Probability Flow", in Proc. IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP), Rome, Sept. 2023
G. Di Gennaro, A. Buonanno, F. Verolla, G. Fioretti, F. A. N. Palmieri and K. R. Pattipati, "Imitation Learning through prior injection in Markov Decision Processes", Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Neural Systems to Data Science (Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies), vol. 360, pp.103–113, 2023
G. Di Gennaro, A. Buonanno, M. Baldi, E. Capoluongo, and F. A. N. Palmieri, "Vision-Based Human Activity Recognition methods using Pose Estimation", Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Neural Systems to Data Science (Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies), vol. 360, pp.115–125, 2023
F. A. N. Palmieri, K. R. Pattipati, G. Di Gennaro, A. Buonanno, M. Merola, "Multiple Agents Interacting via Probability Flows on Factor Graphs," in Proc. 14th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2023), July 20-24, 2023, San Francisco, CA, USA.
G. Di Gennaro, A. Ospedale, A. Di Girolamo, A. Buonanno, F. A. N. Palmieri and G. Fedele, "Split-word Architecture in Recurrent Neural Networks POS-Tagging", in Proc. IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI), July 2022
G. Di Gennaro, A. Buonanno, G. Fioretti, F. Verolla, K. R. Pattipati and F. A. N. Palmieri, "Probabilistic Inference and Dynamic Programming: A Unified Approach to Multi-Agent Autonomous Coordination in Complex and Uncertain Environments", Frontiers in Physics, vol. 1015, n.944157, July 2022
F. A. N. Palmieri, K. R. Pattipati, G. Di Gennaro, G. Fioretti, F. Verolla and A. Buonanno, "A Unifying View of Estimation and Control Using Belief Propagation With Application to Path Planning", IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 15193-15216, 31 Jan. 2022.
G. Di Gennaro, A. Buonanno and F.A.N. Palmieri, "Considerations About Learning Word2Vec," The Journal of Supercomputing, Springer, pp. 1-16, 6 Apr. 2021
G. Di Gennaro, A. Buonanno and F.A.N. Palmieri, "Optimized Realization of Bayesian Networks in Reduced Normal Form using Latent Variable Model," Soft Computing, Springer, pp. 1-12, 17 Mar. 2021
A. Buonanno, A. Nogarotto, G. Cacace, G. Di Gennaro, F.A.N. Palmieri, M. Valenti and G. Graditi, "Bayesian Feature Fusion using Factor Graph in Reduced Normal Form," Applied Sciences, MDPI, vol. 11, 1934, 22 Feb. 2021.
F.A.N. Palmieri, K.R. Pattipati, G. Fioretti, G. Di Gennaro and A. Buonanno, "Path Planning Using Probability Tensor Flows," IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine, vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 34-45, 1 Jan. 2021.
G. Di Gennaro, A. Buonanno, A. Di Girolamo, A. Ospedale and F.A.N Palmieri, "An Analysis of Word2Vec for the Italian Language," in Progress in Artificial Intelligence and Neural Systems (Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies 184), A. Esposito, M. Faundez-Zanuy, F.C. Morabito and E. Pasero, Eds., Springer, 2020, pp. 137–146.
G. Di Gennaro, A. Buonanno, A. Di Girolamo, A. Ospedale and F.A.N Palmieri, "Intent Classification in Question-Answering Using LSTM Architectures," in Progress in Artificial Intelligence and Neural Systems (Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies 184), A. Esposito, M. Faundez-Zanuy, F.C. Morabito and E. Pasero, Eds., Springer, 2020, pp. 115–124.
F.A.N. Palmieri, K.R. Pattipati, G. Fioretti, F. Verolla, G. Di Gennaro and A. Buonanno, "Exploration/Exploitation in Path Planning Using Probability Propagation," in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2020), 2nd Workshop on Long-Term Human Motion Prediction (LHMP), June 2, 2020.
F.A.N. Palmieri, M. Baldi, A. Buonanno and G. Di Gennaro, "Information-Preserving Networks and the Mirrored Transform," in Proc. XXIX IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP2019), Pittsburgh, PA, USA, Oct. 13–16, 2019.
F.A.N. Palmieri, M. Baldi, A. Buonanno, G. Di Gennaro and F. Ospedale, "Probing a Deep Neural Network," in Neural Approaches to Dynamics of Signal Exchanges (Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies 151), A. Esposito, M.Faundez-Zanuy, F.C. Morabito and E. Pasero, Eds., Springer, 2019, pp. 201–211.
G. Di Gennaro, A. Buonanno and F.A.N. Palmieri, "Computational Optimization for Normal Form Realization of Bayesian Model Graphs," in Proc. XXVIII IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP2018), Aalborg, DK, Sept. 17–20, 2018. → Finalist for the best student paper award!
A. Buonanno, P. Iadicicco, G. Di Gennaro, F.A.N. Palmieri, "Context Analysis Using a Bayesian Normal Graph," in Neural Advances in Processing Nonlinear Dynamic Signals (Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies 102), A. Esposito, M. Faundez-Zanuy, F.C. Morabito and E. Pasero, Eds., Springer, 2018, pp. 85–96.