The Machine Learning, Signal Processing and Telecommunication Laboratory (MLSPTlab) devotes its research and teaching activities to various topics in information technology. They include Digital Signal Processing, Information Theory, Neural Networks, Machine Learning, Telecommunications Systems, Software-Defined-Radios.


The group operates within the Engineering Department at Università della Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli," Aversa (CE), Italy. The faculty is appointed within the SSD: ING-INF/03-TELECOMUNICAZIONI (09/F2), MIUR (Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca Scientifica).


The Laboratory is also a Research Unit of CNIT (Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le Telecomunicazioni) and is associated to the GTTI (Gruppo Telecomunicazioni e Tecnologie dell'Informazione).



Research Topics

Text Analysis

Text Analysis

Text analysis, via natural language processing (NLP) methods, aims at high-level information extraction. Applications vary from document classification to automatic answering machine. 

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Path  Modeling

Path Modeling

Agents' dynamics are considered using various motion models. They are  appplied to moving humans and vessels.  

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Tracking represents a set  of techniques that, fusing information from various sensors, aims at identifying and predicting  objects'  motion. 

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Pose Estimation and Vision

Pose Estimation and Vision

Data gathered from various sensor modalities  can be used to model and classify complex 3D scenes.  

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Bayesian Networks

Bayesian Networks

Probabilistic Graphical Models with message propagation are a very powerful paradigm to build robust models for  real phenomena.

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 Neural Networks

Neural Networks

Artificial neural networks in various configurations are showing  great potential in a number of applications. 

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Machine Learning for Medical Data

Machine Learning for Medical Data

The increasing volume of available data in the Healthcare domain suggests to use powerful machine leaning techniques for classification and prediction. 

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Estimation Theory

Estimation Theory

Estimation theory aims at obtaining  hidden information  from measured empirical data using  stochastic models.

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Software for Real-Time Fusion

Software for Real-Time Fusion

The group research actives include the development of  experimental platforms that can collect real data gathered from mobile terminals and sensors.

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SDR & Wireless Communications

SDR & Wireless Communications

Current telecommunication systems are implemented on powerful digital platforms. Software-Defined Radio (SDR) is the paradigms that includes algorithm for coding and modulation on wireless channels.

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Multipath Channel Modelling

Multipath Channel Modelling

The multipath channel is modelled with a stochastic lattice-based approach. 

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Signal Processing

Signal Processing

Various algorithms have been studied for analysis, modification and synthesis of signals and images. Application domains include acoustics, image processing and  biological data. 

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Genetic Algorithms

Genetic Algorithms

Genetic algorithms are a population-based search paradigm in stochastic optimization, inspired by the natural selection process.

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A collection of other topics.

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Full Professor
Assistent Professor
Assistent Professor
Research Collaborator
Research Collaborator
Ph.D. Student
MS Student