Gianmarco Romano, Ph.D. Official Page
Assistant Professor (Ricercatore Universitario), Università degli Studi della Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli" ‑ Italy
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+39-081-5010334 +39-081-5037042
Gianmarco Romano received the Laurea degree in Electronic Engineering from the University of Naples “Federico II” and the Ph.D. degree from the Second University of Naples, in 2000 and 2004, respectively. From 2000 to 2002 he has been Researcher at the National Laboratory for Multimedia Communications (C.N.I.T.) in Naples, Italy. In 2003 he was Visiting Scholar at the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Conncticut, Storrs, USA. Since 2005 he has been with the Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Informazione, Seconda Università di Napoli, and in 2006 has been appointed Ricercatore (Assistant Professor). His research interests are in the area of signal processing for wireless multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) and code division multiple access (CDMA) channels (see Underdetermined MIMO Systems), multiple description coding (MDC), packet networks modelling.
G. Romano, Blind Signal-to-Noise Ratio Estimation of Real Sinusoid in Additive Noise, 2019
G. Romano, Asymptotic Performances of a Signal-To-Noise Ratio Moment-Based Estimator for Real Sinusoids in Additive Noise, 20192017
P. Cuccaro, G. Romano, Non Uniform Power Allocation Pilot Tone Jamming in OFDM Systems, 2017
P. Cuccaro, D. Gallo, C. Landi, M. Luiso, G. Romano, Phase-based estimation of synchrophasors, 2016
P. Cuccaro, D. Gallo, C. Landi, M. Luiso, G. Romano, Recursive phasor estimation algorithm for synchrophasor measurement, 2015
P. Cuccaro, D. Gallo, C. Landi, M. Luiso, G. Romano, Recursive frequency estimation technique for synchrophasor measurement applications, 2015
D. Ciuonzo, G. Romano, R. Solimene, Performance Analysis of Time Reversal MUSIC, 20152014
D. Ciuonzo, G. Romano, R. Solimene, On MSE Performance of Time-Reversal MUSIC, 2014
G. Papa, D. Ciuonzo, G. Romano, P. Salvo Rossi, A Dominance-Based Soft-Input Soft-Output MIMO Detector with Near-Optimal Performance, 2014
G. Papa, D. Ciuonzo, G. Romano, P. Salvo Rossi, Dominance-Based Soft-Input Soft-Output MIMO Detector with Near-Optimal Performance, 2014
G. Romano, D. Ciuonzo, Minimum Variance Importance Sampling Bernoulli Estimator for Fast Simulation of Linear Block Codes over BSC channels, 20142013
P. Salvo Rossi, D. Ciuonzo, G. Romano, Orthogonality and Cooperation in Collaborative Spectrum Sensing through MIMO Decision Fusion, 2013
D. Ciuonzo, G. Romano, P. Salvo Rossi, Performance Analysis and Design of Maximum Ratio Combining in Channel-Aware MIMO Decision Fusion, 2013
G. Romano, D. Ciuonzo, P. Salvo Rossi, F.A.N. Palmieri, Low-complexity dominance-based sphere decoder for MIMO systems, 2013
D. Ciuonzo, G. Papa, G. Romano, P. Salvo Rossi, P. Willett, One-Bit Decentralized Detection with a Rao Test for Multisensor Fusion, 2013
D. Ciuonzo, G. Romano, P. Salvo Rossi, Optimality of Received Energy in Decision Fusion over a Rayleigh Fading Diversity MAC with Non-Identical Sensors, 20132012
D. Ciuonzo, G. Romano, P. Salvo Rossi, Decision Fusion in MIMO Wireless Sensor Networks with Channel State Information, 2012
G. Papa, S. Horn, P. Braca, K. Bryan, G. Romano, Estimating Sensor Performance and Target Population Size with Multiple Sensors, 2012
D. Ciuonzo, G. Romano, P. Salvo Rossi, Channel-Aware Decision Fusion in Distributed MIMO Wireless Sensor Networks: Decode-and-Fuse vs. Decode-then-Fuse, 2012
P. Salvo Rossi, D. Ciuonzo, G. Romano, F.A.N. Palmieri, On the Performance of Energy-Division Multiple Access over Fading Channels, 20122011
F.A.N. Palmieri, D. Ciuonzo, D. Mattera, G. Romano, P. Salvo Rossi, From Examples to Bayesian Inference, 2011
G. Romano, A. Drago, D. Ciuonzo, Sub-optimal importance sampling for fast simulation of linear block codes over BSC channels, 2011
P. Salvo Rossi, G. Romano, D. Ciuonzo, F.A.N. Palmieri, Gain Design and Power Allocation for Overloaded MIMO-OFDM Systems with Channel State Information and Iterative Multiuser Detection, 2011
G. Papa, D. Ciuonzo, G. Romano, P. Salvo Rossi, Soft-Input Soft-Output King Decoder for Coded MIMO Wireless Communications, 20112010
P. Salvo Rossi, G. Romano, F.A.N. Palmieri, On the Performance of Energy-Division Multiple Access with Regular Constellations, 2010
F.A.N Palmieri, E. Venosa, A.P. Petropulu, G. Romano, P. Salvo Rossi, Sparse Sampling for Software Defined Radio Receivers, 2010
G. Romano, D. Ciuonzo, P. Salvo Rossi, F.A.N. Palmieri, Tree-Search ML Detection for Underdetermined MIMO Systems with M-PSK Constellations, 2010
F.A.N Palmieri, E. Venosa, A.P. Petropulu, G. Romano, P. Salvo Rossi, Sparse Sampling for Software Radio Receivers, 2010
F.A.N Palmieri, G. Romano, P. Salvo Rossi, D. Mattera, Building a Bayesian Factor Tree From Examples, 2010
G. Romano, D. Ciuonzo, P. Salvo Rossi, F.A.N. Palmieri, Tree-search ML detection for underdetermined MIMO systems with M-PSK constellations, 20102009
G. Romano, F.A.N Palmieri, P. Salvo Rossi, D. Mattera, A Tree-Search Algorithm for ML Decoding in Undetermined MIMO Systems, 2009
F.A.N Palmieri, D. Mattera, P. Salvo Rossi, G. Romano, La Costruzione di Memorie Gerarchiche su Grafi Fattoriali, 2009
F.A.N Palmieri, G. Romano, E. Venosa, QAM receiver with band-pass sampling and blind synchronization, 2009
G. Romano, F.A.N Palmieri, P. Salvo Rossi, D. Mattera, A tree-search algorithm for ML decoding in underdetermined MIMO systems, 2009
F.A.N Palmieri, D. Mattera, P. Salvo Rossi, G. Romano, La Costruzione di Memorie Associative su Grafi Fattoriali, 20092008
F.A.N Palmieri, G. Romano, E. Venosa, On Jitter Effects in OFDM Systems, 2008
G. Romano, Object-oriented approach to the development of level-2 Mfile S-function, 20082007
G. Romano, D. Ciuonzo, F.A.N. Palmieri, P. Salvo Rossi, On Asymptotic Efficiency for Asynchronous CDMA, 2007
G. Romano, D. Ciuonzo, F.A.N. Palmieri, P. Salvo Rossi, On the Asymptotic Multiuser Efficiency for Asynchronous CDMA, 2007
P. Salvo Rossi, G. Romano, D. Mattera, F.A.N Palmieri, S. Marano, A Scheme for Multiuser Communications based on Energy Division, 2007
G. Romano, D. Ciuonzo, F.A.N. Palmieri, P. Salvo Rossi, Group Gain Design for Overloaded CDMA, 20072006
G. Romano, F.A.N Palmieri, P.K. Willett, D. Mattera, Asymptotic multiuser efficiency in overloaded CDMA, 2006
P. Salvo Rossi, G. Romano, D. Mattera, F.A.N Palmieri, S. Marano, An Energy-Division Multiple Access Scheme, 2006
P. Salvo Rossi, G. Romano, F.A.N Palmieri, G. Iannello, Joint End-to-End Loss-Delay Hidden Markov Model for Periodic UDP Traffic over the Internet, 20062005
G. Romano, F.A.N Palmieri, P.K. Willett, Soft iterative decoding for overloaded CDMA, 2005
G. Romano, F.A.N Palmieri, P.K. Willett, D. Mattera, Separability and Gain Control for overloaded CDMA, 2005
G. Romano, P. Salvo Rossi, F.A.N Palmieri, Optimal Correlating Transform for Erasure Channels, 20052004
G. Romano, P.K. Willett, F.A.N Palmieri, Application of PDA to Coded Syncronous CDMA System, 2004
G. Romano, P. Salvo Rossi, F.A.N Palmieri, Multiple Description Image Coder Using Correlating Transforms, 2004
P. Salvo Rossi, G. Romano, F.A.N Palmieri, G. Iannello, Interleaving for Packet Channels, 2004
G. Romano, P.K. Willett, F.A.N Palmieri, Application of PDA to coded synchronous CDMA system, 2004
G. Romano, P. Salvo Rossi, F.A.N Palmieri, Multiple Description Image Coder Using Correlating Transform, 20042003
P. Salvo Rossi, G. Romano, F.A.N Palmieri, G. Iannello, A Hidden Markov Model for Internet Channels, 2003
P. Salvo Rossi, G. Romano, F.A.N Palmieri, G. Iannello, Bayesian Modelling for Packet Channels, 2003
G. Romano, F.A.N Palmieri, An Algorithm for Transform Coding on Lossy Packet Networks, 2003
P. Salvo Rossi, G. Romano, F.A.N Palmieri, G. Iannello, A Hidden Markov Model for Packet Channels, 20032000
F.A.N Palmieri, P. Guerra, G. Micera, G. Romano, S. Zampognaro, Optimal transform coding for audio and images on lossy packet channel, 2000
F.A.N Palmieri, P. Guerra, G. Micera, G. Romano, S. Zampognaro, Optimal Transform Coding for Audio and Images on Lossy Packet Channels, 2000